
IIVET Kids Preschool Sponsored By “Education Live Foundation” Delhi (A Charitable Education Trust) An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Accredited from Government of NCT Delhi (Regd. No. 4063) Under An Act 1882 Section 60 Govt. of India.


Play Group

(1.5 years to 2.5 years)
  • Building of a strong and positive concept of self
  • Self-care and independence
  • Motor Development
  • Communicating in sentences with minimum of 2-4 words and follow instructions


(2.5 years to 3.5 years)
  • Social development in terms of understanding variations in emotions
  • Remembers and able to recall various concepts and stories
  • Communicating in 2-3 sentences and following 2-3 steps instructions

Jr. KG

(3.5 years to 4.5 years)
  • Showing more independence and understanding of classroom rules
  • Can identify and copy letters and numbers
  • Speaking clearly and able to tell a simple story using full sentences
  • Learning to hop, skip, climb and swing

Sr. KG

(4.5 years to 5.5 years)
  • Exhibiting confidence in self, attempting to build friendships and form teams, solving problems and demonstrating self control
  • Recognizing patterns, sequences, similarities, differences, relationships between objects, understanding concepts of time, left-right etc.
  • Showing interest in reading, listening attentively, using adequate vocabulary and conversing in appropriate tense